Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Better Single Than Sorry by Jen Schefft - The author was on both The Bachelor and The Bachelorette and twice turned down men she'd "won" on those shows. Sounds like an authority on the subject to ME, so I thought I'd read what advice she could offer someone who's perilously close to 30 and still single (do not read desperate) herself.

Most of the author's profferings were simple common sense, or maybe they were common sense to me after spending the last decade of my life meeting Mr. Wrong after Mr. Wrong. One perspective that she addressed and that I'd recently adopted of my own volition, was that the men you meet along the path to finding Mr. Right all have something to offer, and, thus, you shouldn't see them as failed relationships. I certainly agree with her. She also asserts that you shouldn't go out with a guy if you simply don't feel into it, even if you have people telling you, "Hey, if it's only a free meal, and a night out, it's worth the trouble!" I can buy my own meal, thankyouverymuch...and I'd rather spend my evening at home alone, reading, or meeting up with my friends, than discussing politics with a liberal (EGAD!) or, even worse, a Purdue fan!

All in all, a quick, fun read to clarify why I'm happy being single and why, ten years from now, on the cliff of turning 40, I'll still be happy as long as I haven't settled :)