The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon - I struggled with actually being able to type what I am about to type. As a librarian, the words that follow carry a weight outside of themselves when I repeat them to others, so I do not use them lightly...
this book is, quite possibly, the best book I have ever read. It was difficult for me to get into this book, to really sit down and embrace it, as I was busy and distracted throughout the first half. That is never the way to read a book. This one deserves to be savored, each and every word of it, and I fully intend to go back and read it in order to give the parts I took lightly the respect I failed to give them initially.
I can't really even describe what this book is about as it is about so many things, it is the story of so many people, and it is the story of a city...Barcelona. On the facade, it is a book about a book. But, once inside, the reader finds that it is really a book about how books affect us, emotionally, spiritually, and physcially. How a book can reach out and grab us and take us down an entirely different road than we had anticipated. That is all I am going to give you about the plot of this book...if you don't take my recommendation simply on its own merits by now, then anything I write about the book won't sell it to you. READ THIS BOOK....