Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Treating People Well: the Extraordinary Power of Civility at Work and in Life by Lea Berman and Jeremy Bernard

Two former White House Social Secretaries combined to pen this non-partisan guide that anyone could benefit from reading in this polarizing and tenuous time in our nation's history.

As I monitor the library thoughout the day, I often walk about, reading (I am a librarian after all...what else did you expect?). When a student inquired what I was reading one day, I showed him the cover, then, kiddingly, remarked that, "It's not something that comes naturally to me; I need to really work at it and read about how to do it!" As I thought about that comment, completely intended to garner a laugh, I began to see the truth, not just the humor, in the statement. Treating people well actually DOESN'T come naturally to any of us. We are, by nature...HUMAN nature...primarily concerned first and foremost with our own happiness and well-being. It does, indeed, take both intention and practice (and maybe reading and research, too) to become adept at treating other people well to a degree at which they are able to stop and actually take notice. This book focuses on the ways, both large and small, through which we can do that in our daily lives.

Berman, the Social Secretary during the George W. Bush administration, and Bernard, her counterpart in the Obama years, seamlessly work together to paint the behind-the-scenes picture of what it's like to keep people happy in America's House. From civilian visitors to visiting foreign dignitaries, from the First Lady to the Commander in Chief, the goal was always the same for Berman and Bernard: make each and every person feel important and cared for by anticipating their every need down to the most minute detail. By telling their most memorable stories, both illuminating and harrowing, they offer tried and true "Rules for Treating People Well" that are both practical as well as transferable to every day life.

This book is, hands-down, a great read for anyone, whether simply to learn more about the behind-the-scenes of the White House or to gather great advice to incorporate into is or her own "character" toolbox!