Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Sisters, Ink by Rebeca Seitz - Sometimes, you pick up a book and feel as if the author did his or her research by spying on your life. It is just like reading a chapter from your life with each turn of the page. This book was just that experience for me. Chosen by my Inspirational Fiction book club, I wasn't sure I'd get into it as scrapbooking is one of the major themes that runs throughout the book. Anyone who has met me knows I am in no way crafty, and each "scrapbooking" experience I've had has been nearly disasterous.

However, as I read and the plot unfolded, I began to feel the eerie feeling of connecting with a book so completely that it was frightening. The main character, the same age as me, returns to her hometown to find her high school beau has also returned from the military and started a business. As their new relationship unfolds, they find out that although they are nothing like the teenagers they once had been, they still are the loves of one anothers' lives. Pair that story line with an untraditional family (parents with four adopted daughters from tough backgrounds....and different ethnicities), and you're awfully close to what my life looks like at this moment.

I'd recommend this book to those who enjoy Karen Kingsbury or any type of inspirational fiction in general. The author does not brow beat you with the faith and religion aspect of the book, but weaves in the importance of faith and family well along the way.